Year Round Engagement and Job Opportunities at Wise 2024-2025
Just because the summer is over, doesn’t mean the fun ends there! Teens and young adults can join us year round for many of our part-time job and leadership opportunities throughout the year, including joining our Wise Temple Youth program, Spring Break Camp, monthly Camp Wise Sundays or Wise Family Learning Experiences, and more! Read ahead for more information!
Click here to learn more about 2024-2025 opportunities and apply for some of our year round programs! Email once your application is complete for a follow up, or with additional questions.
wise temple youth
(WTY): Grades 7-12
WTY Sundays: bi-monthly, 6:00-8:00pm
Board Meetings: 5:00-6:00pm
Join other Wise temple middle and high school students for a traditional youth group experience to explore teen life, Jewish identity, and social action - all while making connections to Wise peers, educators, and clergy. No two Sundays will be the same, and sessions will range from facilitated conversations and Teen Board-led games, to visiting a food bank, going bowling, running a Chocolate Seder for Passover, or leading a White Elephant exchange while eating DIY latkes, all while making friends, building confidence, and learning leadership sills. Run for positions on the Teen Board for opportunities to gain additional responsibility and volunteer hours! Positions include President, Religious & Cultural VP, and Grade Reps!
Plus, join us for any of our 3 Mini Courses: Imigration Justice, L’Taken, or Confirmation for Grade 12 and make the most out of your experience!
Join us bimonthly on Sundays from 6:00-8pm to deepen your connection to the Wise community and make friends and memories for years to come! Registration for the 2024/2025 academic year is open NOW! Information and enrollment details can be found at Contact for more information. This program is open to temple members (Click here for information on how to become a temple member!)
Looking for an afterschool job? Join us at Wise afternoons 1-5x per week to assist in aftercare with Wise School students in grades K-6! Wise Afternoons staff will assist students with homework, play games, and hang out with their friends!
Email to be considered for a position.
Wise Afternoons
Mondays-Thursdays: 2-5pm
Fridays: 2-4pm
Sign up for one or multiple days! Limited Spaces.
Wise madrichim
Various times, see below for more infomration
In-person and Online options
Love kids? Students in grades 9 and up are invited to apply to our Madrichim (teacher’s aide) program. You will be assigned to a group across K-6th grade, assist a teacher or counselor, and serve as a role model for our younger students. Madrichim receive professional development and leadership mentoring, developing their own skills while helping our students grow in their Hebrew learning or exploration of Jewish values!
More information on CYE Religious School offerings can be found here. Questions? Email
Compensation: 1st time Madrichim receive community service hours. Returning Madrichim may receive service hours or hourly pay.
Opportunities for Madrichim include:
T’filah Tuesdays: weekly, in-person or online | 4:15 p.m. - 5:45 p.m.
Camp Wise Sundays: monthly, in-person | 8:15 a.m. - 1:15 p.m.
Wise Family Learning Experience: monthly, in-person | 8:30 a.m. - 12:15 a.m.
Torah Studies: monthly, in-person | 8:45 a.m. - 10:00 a.m.
1:1 Tutoring: weekly, in-person or online | 1 hour/week, schedule determined with families