Camp Wise offers field trips for 1st-8th grade for the summer! 1st-2nd graders go on 1 field trip a week, and 3rd-8th graders experience 1-2 field trips per week! Rising Kindergarteners will experience “on-site” field trips such as mini golf, magic shows, foam-parties, and more! Weekly e-mails will provide parents with information on what to bring on field trip days, what waivers to sign, etc. All campers must wear a 2024 Camp Wise shirt, unaltered, to camp to join a field trip. Campers may purchase additional shirts through the Camp Wise Office. All field trips are accompanied by adults on our leadership team. There are no onsite options for parents who wish to keep their kid at camp during field trip days.
See below for expected field trips and special events by age group, as well as FAQs about field trip days (Updated 2/15/2025)
MACCABIM: K-1ST GRADE, ONSITE AT CAMP WISE: Special on-site guests include…
Bounce House & Obstacle Course
Carnivals & Color Wars
Foam Party
Magician’s Secrets Revealed
Movie Party @ Camp
Nerf Gun Tag
Onsite Mini Golf
Petting Zoo
Reptile Show
Slip n Slides
Water Slides
… and more!
NITZANIM: 1ST-2ND GRADE, 1 FIELD TRIP PER WEEK: Field trips and special on-site guests include…
Movie @ AMC
Obstacle Courses
Off the Wall GameZone
Reptile Show
Slip n Slides
Strawberry Picking
Water Slides
… and more!
Bounce House & Obstacle Course
California Science Center
Carnivals & Color Wars
Discovery Cube
Laser Tag
Mini Golf & Arcade
TZANCHANIM: 3RD-4TH GRADE, 1-2 FIELD TRIPS PER WEEK: Field trips and special on-site guests include…
Movie @ AMC
Off the Wall GameZone
Our Big Kitchen LA
Pacific Park @ Santa Monica Pier
Strawberry Picking
Universal Studios (Session 2)
Water Park (Session 3)
… and more!
California Science Center
Carnivals & Color Wars
Discovery Cube
LA Zoo
Laser Tag
Magic Mountain (Session 1)
Mini Golf & Arcade
NOSIM: 5TH-8TH GRADE, 2-3 FIELD TRIPS PER WEEK: Field trips and special on-site guests include…
Mini Golf & Arcade
Our Big Kitchen LA
Pacific Park @ Santa Monica Pier
Strawberry Picking
Swan Boating
Universal Studios (Session 2)
Water Park (Session 3)
… and more!
Beach Day
California Science Center
Carnivals & Color Wars
Griffith Hike & Observatory
LA Zoo
Laser Tag
Magic Mountain (Session 1)
5-6 Grade has 1-2 field trips per week. 7-8 Grade has 2-3 field trips per week.
Please check the weekly e-mail updates for specific information and instructions for each field trip. A complete calendar of events will be available in March.
Q: What should I bring to camp on a field trip day?
Current camp t-shirt, unaltered
Hat, sunglasses, sunscreen
Reusable water bottle
Prepared snacks and sack lunch, including utensils (hot lunch NOT available on field trip days)
Small bag for items, easy for camper to carry throughout the day
Optional: for specified field trip days, campers may be allowed to bring money to purchase snacks, tokens for arcades, souveniers, etc. Please read your weekly emails to ensure your camper is prepared for their field trips.
Campers are not required to bring money to any field trip, and are able to join without purchasing additional experiences. For field trips such as Mini-Golf and Ultrazone, campers are given limited tokens for arcade games in addition to free games such as mini-golf or laser tag. If they run out of tokens, staff provide games in our reserved lunch areas including bracelet making stations, coloring supplies, card games, and more! For field trips such as Magic Mountain and Pacific Park, all general rides are free, and campers are expected to bring their own lunches, additional snacks, and reusable water bottles.
Q: What does supervision look like on field trip days?
Supervision ratios vary based on each field trip. Campers are accompanied by all group staff, plus additional staff, on all field trip days, as well as 1 Director and 1 Unit Head per age group (1st-2nd grade, 3rd-4th grade, 5th-8th grade). If multiple age groups go to the same field trip location, they are accompanied by 2 Directors and 2 Unit Heads.
Ratios: 1st/2nd grade has a 1:5 ratio, 3rd/4th grade has a 1:6 ratio, 5th/6th grade has a 1:7 ratio, and 7th/8th grade has a 1:8 ratio.
For certain field trips (i.e. Amusement Parks), campers have tighter ratios based on age group. Campers are broken up into smaller groups with one adult (18+) staffer and one high school aged staffer.
3rd/4th grade: 2 counselors & 8 campers (1:4 ratio)
5th/6th grade: 2 counselors & 9-10 campers (1:5 ratio)
7th/8th grade: 2 counselors & 9-11 campers (1:6 ratio)
Q: What if I don’t want my child to join the field trip, or they miss the camp bus? Can my child stay at camp?
There are no alternate options for Camp Wise Field Trip days. Campers must arrive to camp on time before the bus leaves to join their groups field trip. If the camper misses the bus for their field trip, they may not stay at camp.
Campers may not join field trips at the field trip location, nor may they get picked up early from the field trip location.
Campers that arrive to camp without their camp shirt will be given an additional shirt and their camper profile will be charged $15.00. Extra shirts may be purchased from the Camp Office once camp begins (limited supply available).
Q: What kind of field trip schedule may I expect for my child?
See below for an example of the 2024 Calendar of Events